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General Immigration Information

Maintaining F-1 Status

International Student Services (ISS) is available to assist F-1 students; however, 学生有责任遵守与美国“非移民外国人”有关的法律.S.. 如果不这样做,可能会导致失去F-1学生身份. To maintain status, F-1 students need to:

  • Keep the passport valid at all times.
  • 地址变更后10天内向国际空间站报告.
  • 注册并成功完成每季度至少12个学分, 除非国际空间站批准一个假期或减少课程负担. Please see below for more information. 
  • Obtain appropriate permission to work on and off campus. Working off campus without authorization is a violation.
  • Keep the I-20 valid by:
    • 在I-20签证到期前完成项目.
    • Following proper procedures for extending the I-20.
    • 在更改课程或教育水平时遵循适当的程序.  The I-20 may need to be updated.
    • 按照适当的程序转学到另一所sevp认可的学校.
  • 遵守F-1宽限期规定和任何特殊要求, such as Special Registration requirements.
  • Depart from the U.S., transfer to another institution, apply for a change of status, 或在完成课程学习后不迟于60天内申请选修实习.

Full Course Of Study - 12 Credits

OPE电子竞技官网的F-1学生必须每季度在OPE电子竞技官网注册12个学分,而不仅仅是在一个为期五周的课程中注册, unless they have prior approval from ISS.

Online & Hybrid Courses -

  • According to federal regulations, 不超过相当于一个在线课程或三个学分,每季度可以计入全日制入学.
  • 混合课程的数量没有限制,可以计入全日制注册.
  • 参加ESL课程的F-1学生可能不会将任何在线课程计入全日制要求.
  • F-1 students may not enroll only in an online course, 即使这是他们在OPE电子竞技官网最后一个季度的最后一门必修课. They must also have physical presence on campus, meaning they need to take an on campus or hybrid class.
  • F-1学生可以向ISS咨询他们的课程安排. We will be happy to assist.


Please see ISS Forms for the "Reduced Course Load Form". F-1学生需要与ope客户端会面完成表格,并将其交给ISS进行审查. These are the following reasons for a reduced course load:

  • 学业困难RCL - F-1学生每个学位级别只能申请一次学业困难RCL.  If F-1 students receive an academic difficulty RCL, 他们必须在下一个学期恢复完整的课程学习,以保持身份. Academic difficulty are limited to the following reasons:
    • Difficulty with English language or reading requirements
    • Unfamiliarity with U.S. teaching methods or
    • 不正确的课程安排(注册了错误的课程级别)
  • 医疗RCL - F-1学生可以申请医疗RCL由于暂时的医疗状况,并提供适当的医生的信推荐的RCL为医疗原因.  Requirements of the medical RCL include:
    • Letter from a US based licensed physician, medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, 或有执照的临床心理学家,建议F-1学生获得少于全日制入学所需的最低学分.
    • Receive prior approval from ISS.
    • 每个学位级别允许总共不超过12个月的医疗RCL
  • 最后一个季度RCL -如果F-1学生在学习的最后一个季度,并且少于12个学分的剩余时间来满足学术课程的要求,国际空间站可以授权最后一个季度RCL.  F-1学生在每个教育级别:ESL的最后一个季度只能申请一次RCL, certificate of achievement, associate. 学生必须在RCL批准的季度内完成要求,以保持身份.


F-1学生在OPE电子竞技官网连续完成三个季度后,有资格享受年假. Summer Quarter is not an automatic vacation quarter. 如果在转学前没有休息,ISS可以考虑过去在其他机构的注册. F-1学生需要填写并提交“假期申请”表格给ISS审核. The form is available in ISS Forms.

Concurrent Enrollment

F-1学生可以在OPE电子竞技官网注册至少6个学分,并在其他部门获得额外学分. 国土安全部批准的机构,以计入全日制招生.

学生需要填写“同步注册”表格, 并向ISS提供其他机构的注册副本. At the end of the other institution's term, 学生需要提供最终成绩证明,以表明他们完成了课程并符合全日制要求.

Please contact ISS with questions or to request a form.

Out of Status

有几种情况下,F-1学生可能违反学生身份. This is often referred to as being "out-of-status.“F-1学生如果没有身份,就需要离开美国.S.,尝试通过重新入境重新获得身份,或申请复职. 有关恢复的信息可以在ISS表格页面上找到. 请预约讨论以重新入学的方式恢复身份.

Extending Your Stay:

F-1 students are required to apply, 根据联邦规定,他们必须有资格延长他们的停留时间, 当他们需要更多的时间来完成一个教育项目,而时间比I-20签证上的规定时间更长时,就可以延长逗留时间. 课程扩展表格可在国际空间站表格网页上获得. F-1学生在与ISS的DSO预约之前,需要预约(而不是直接走进来)与ope客户端见面. 申请应在I-20上注明的预计完成日期前30天内提交.

F-1学生应该给国际学生服务中心发邮件至 if they:

  • want an appointment
  • want to travel outside the U.S. before completing the studies at OPE电子竞技官网. I-20的第二页必须签署,以支持再次进入美国.S.
  • cannot take full-time classes (at least 12 credit hours).
  • want to work on or off campus.
  • desire to change status.
  • plan to transfer to another SEVP-approved institution.
  • need to update contact information.